Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obsession or an Addicition?

How did it happen?

I have asked myself this question many times lately. In addition, I've asked "why" and "when" without finding any answers.

I guess it just gradually takes over and you don't realize it's happening. So far I've been able to manage it so that it doesn't interfere with my day-to-day activities.

I tell myself that I'm not going to do it again. I try convincing myself that I've "been there, done that," now get on with other things - things that I should be concentrating on, things that are important to me.

But I feel the pull, that desire and I find myself slowly going back. I resisted for a short while, but then the temptation was too great. I'm just weak.

I'm not talking about blogging, Twitter or Facebook. Even though those could be addicitive and I've found myself lost in time while checking out new blogs.

I seem to have become an addict of "giveaways." I can't resist offering book giveaways. Every opportunity I have to share a book with others - I do it. Every time the offer is made to giveaway books - I accept. From time to time the giveaways I offer may be for books that I most likely wouldn't select for myself off a shelf in a bookstore, but someone else out there in blogdom may love the book. That's what it's all about - people reading (all types of) books.

When I started this blog I didn't have a precise theme or direction other than I wanted somewhere to share my book reviews and thoughts on books. I never envisioned giving away books.

I've said all this about my "giveaway" addiction because sometimes I feel I do go overboard with the contests. I don't want Thoughts in Progress to be known only as a book giveaway blog. So bear with me on the volume of giveaways and I will also try to have more content to my other posts.

Keeping in this spirit, be sure to check back daily this coming week as a lineup of wonderful authors are scheduled to stop by. (Okay, so giveaways are also involved, couldn't help myself).

Monday - Sherrill Bodine, author of "A Black Tie Affair" will be here to talk about books and romance. She will also be giving away a copy of her new book.

Tuesday - Cheryl Brooks, author of "The Cat Star Chronicles" series will stop by to talk about how her books tie in with murder mysteries. She will also be giving away one of her books.

Wednesday - Kim Smith, author of "Buried Angel" will stop by on her Virtual Book tour to talk about her cozy mystery. She will be giving away an e-copy of her book.

Thursday - Robin Burcell, author of "The Bone Chamber" will be on hand to talk about her latest book. Robin will also give away one of her books to a lucky commenter on her post.

Friday - Sharon Lathan, author of "The Darcy Saga" series will stop by to discuss her books and how historical facts play a part. In addition, she will be giving away one of her books.

I'm looking forward to all these wonderful authors who have agreed to guest blog here. It will be a diverse week of book topics.

I'd also like to thank Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing for presenting me (and several other bloggers) with the Blogosphere Award yesterday. She created the award "to commemorate the fellowship of the blogosphere, and you ladies are prime examples of that fellowship." I am so glad that I found Crystal's blog and appreciate her friendship very much. Thanks again Crystal.

Now, please overlook my "addiction." I'm not sure if I can or want to overcome it yet. Are you addicted to reading or just collecting books? Do you share your "reading/book collecting addiction" with others in hopes of drawing them in as well?


(This is not the post I had intended for today, but due to the length of the material I wanted to present I felt it would be best to run it in two parts. Since I have wonderful guest bloggers scheduled all week and no open date until Saturday, I decided to wait. I will share my two-part post with you Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 23-24. I promise it will be worth the wait as the topic is one of "mystery" and so much more. Be sure to stop by to see what my surprise post on Saturday and Sunday is all about. And I in no way intended this post to make fun of anyone who faces a serious addiction.)


  1. I hope you never overcome this addiction - because it sure is fun for those of us reading your blog!

    I guess I'd have to say that I'm addicted to reading, but since the majority of my friends, both online and in real life, share this addiction, I'm not sure it can really be considered an addiction. I think it's the people who don't read that are the ones having a problem!

    Congratulations on yet another well-deserved blog award!

  2. Well, as a reader of your blog, I rather like your addiction. I, on the other end of the spectrum, worry that I have too many books in my TBR pile. I'm sort of like the white rabbit: I'm late, I'm late, Must read more and faster!

    Congratulations on the Blogosphere Award. I gave you another one today: the One Lovely Blog Award. And it is certainly appropriate today since I think it's lovely that you give away so many books.

    Straight From Hel

  3. Ingrid, thank you for those sweet words. It helps to know others enjoy my ramblings here. I think I'm in great company with this reading addiction and we shouldn't give it up.

    Helen, thank you so much. I'm honored by your award. I know how you feel about being the white rabbit. My TBR pile continues to grow as well, but I can't seem to stop myself when I find another new book that looks interesting. Thanks again, I'll stop by.

  4. If you're going to have an addiction, this isn't a bad one to have! :)

    Looking forward to a great week of your blog. Congrats on another well deserved award!

  5. Jemi, thank you for the kind words. I guess it'd not such a bad addiction after all. :)

  6. Raising hand, I too have a book addiction, my TBR pile is huge. I've managed to pass along my love of reading to one of my kids. There's nothing better than discovering a new book and if it's something I might not usually pick up, then even better. I stumbled on your blog and it's one of the few I continue to revisit. Looking forward to guest bloggers this week!

  7. Ann, I'm so glad you stumbled this way and thank you for revisiting. I hope you enjoy the guest bloggers this week. They are very wonderful authors, very diverse and interesting.

  8. Hey, Masy
    It's very nice how you keep promoting so many authors, not just by promoting their books, but by inviting them for a chat at your blog. I imagine that must mean a lot to so many writers. It's a nice thing to do from your side.

    And about giveaways, that's also lovely, although I don't like people who might come by someone's blog only to get a free something something. There are many people around me, as well, who expect to get free books from me knowing I'm in the publishing business, and then get angry if I don't have any to give at the moment. But at the end of a day, we can't play Santa Claus all the time.

  9. I could understand. I give away books as well, especially if I think the information can help some one.

    My Latest Book:

    "Facebook Addiction: The Life & Times of Social Networking Anonymous"
    More Info:

  10. Dez, thanks for the kind words. I enjoy having the various authors guest blog. With their diverse interest it makes for great reading.

    Nnamdi, giving away books is a wonderful feeling.

  11. My blog started out a bit scattered as well - no real theme to speak of. I think it's slowly shaping into something? I've only been at it for a couple months, so perhaps the 'settling in' is normal. :)

    I'm addicted to reading!! I'm a writer and ought to spend half the time I read writing, but alas I cannot.

    Great post. :)

    ~ Corra

    from the desk of a writer

  12. Felicitations on your award and much love to you for your kindness to writers and readers alike.
    Warmest regards and a lovely week to you.

  13. Corra, I think your blog is shaping nicely. It's hard not to read no matter what else we did to be doing.

    Simone, such sweet words. Thank you and may your week go well.

  14. LOL, I can think of a lot WORSE addictions! And kudos on the award, too.

    The Old Silly

  15. Marvin, thanks for the kind words and you're right - there are worse addictions.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's post. Thanks for dropping by.