Friday, April 23, 2010

It’s Friday!

Are there days that you know there aren’t going to be enough hours in it to accomplish everything that needs to be done? Are there days you look forward to because relaxation will begin soon?

For me both of those days are Fridays. Fridays are great because it’s the end of the work week and the weekend will soon begin. But Fridays are also bad because that’s my deadline day for the paper. Everything has to be finished and sent to the press. There’s always an ad late, someone’s forgot to send in an article or the system just so nuts for no reason.

Trying to get the paper laid out and sent to the press consumes my day. Once I sit down at the computer to begin, I don’t leave (except for short breaks of course). My lunch is usually a brownie and a White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks I pick up on my way to the office. For this reason the blogging I get to do on Fridays, I usually do in small time frames shortly after midnight or early Friday morning and some late Friday evening.

I check my e-mails from time to time throughout the day, but I feel like I’m missing another part of my life because I can’t drop by various blogs and see what’s going on. Six months ago I would have never believed that possible. What can I say, blogging is addictive.

You know now why I’m missing today.

I do want to say thank you to Heather at heather webber for awarding me the “One Lovely Blog Award” this past week. I enjoy stopping by to see what Heather’s up to each day. If you haven’t visited her blog, be sure to stop by and say hello.

I’d like to pass this award on to several blogging friends. It’s hard to selected just a few so everyone who stops by today, you’re welcome to take the award as well. There are no strings attached to this award. If you feel like passing it on to those, do so and if not that’s great too. I just appreciate each and everyone for visiting Thoughts in Progress.

Here are several bloggers I’d like to recognize and if you haven’t visited their blogs be sure to do so, you won’t be disappointed.

Jade at Chasing Empty Pavements
Kathy at Well Placed Words
Cricket at Hearth Cricket
Lorel at I’m Blogging Down Here!
Terry at Terry’s Place
Rayna at Coffee Rings Everywhere
Charmaine at Wagging Tales
Karen at Karen…Following the Whispers
Janel at Janel's Jumble

Ann at Cozy in Texas

Now what kind of day are you having? Is today the kind of day you wanted it to be?


  1. I'm still lobbying for a 40 hour day, Mason!

  2. I'm going to hold off judgment on today...too early to tell! But it looks like my morning is going to be fairly normal and my afternoon is going to be wild!

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  3. Working from home and for myself, the lines between work days and relaxation days blur a bit, but in a very good way. There's never enough time to get everything done, whether it's work or fun stuff. (And fortunately, the lines between work and fun also tend to blur when you do what you love).

    Congratulations on your award. I'm looking forward to checking out some of the blogs you passed the award on to.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Diane, show me where to sign and I'll lobby with you.

    Elizabeth, those kinds of days aren't bad. It's the days that start off wild that throw me.

    Ingrid, there is a fine line there when you're trying to keep work and home separate. Sometimes it's just impossible and than can be fun. Hope you have a great weekend too.

  5. Mason - I know just what you mean! There are certainly some days where you barely have time to breathe. Congratulations to you for your very well-deserved award, too! I always enjoy visiting your blog, and I always take something worthwhile from it.

  6. Congratulations on your blog award!

    I am expecting a busy day today, too, and need to get at it. I was just looking at the lovely paintings at Heron Dance and imagining myself painting such nice paintings, LOL--and then incorporating them into kids books.

    But I'd better stop dreaming and start working--hope you meet your deadlines!

    I wasn't online yesterday at all, hope to catch up later.

    Have a great weekend!

    I'm going to go put on Jane Austin's Persuasion and listen while I work. The sun is shining and it's a lovely, if cool, spring day. Enjoy yours!

  7. Congratulations on your award. I think this day is going to be fairly normal. Since the past couple of weeks haven't been, I'm really looking forward to normal.

  8. Congratulations on your well deserved award, Mason! And I'm so chuffed you passed it along to me.

    Every day I wake up knowing there won't be enough hours to do everything I want. ; - ) Like Ingrid, working from home means everything blends together. That's what I always wanted, though, so it's hard to complain.

    Good luck with your Friday task list!

  9. Still slightly insane preparing for RT, trying to get over pneumonia--caught it in the beginning stage, orgainzing kid stuff, hubs stuff, animal stuff and blog stuff in preparation for leaving on Tuesday. Oh and packing. two doctors appts today, work on my book, pffft, yah right. It ain't happening.

    Glad to see you surfaced out of Fridays black time hole long enough to say hi!

    Hmmm Starbuck...

    Must dash, check you later!

  10. Hope you get the paper out without a hitch, and congrats on the blog Award! My day's going as expected, cleaning up some files and starting a new writing project. Lots to do, thank goodness for my to-do list to keep it all in order :)

  11. Thanks everyone for stopping by and for the kind words about the blog award. You are the ones that deserve the awards, without ya'll stopping by and saying it there would be no need for this blog. Thanks a million, I appreciate each and every one of you.

    Sia, I don't see how you do it all. From now on, your Wonder Woman. Wow, hope you get over the pneumonia soon.

  12. Congrats on your blog award. And on days when the minutes seem to attack not just pass, I try to stop just for a moment to appreciate what beauty, friendship, and health The Father has afforded me -- even on Those Days, Roland

  13. The day doesn't seem to be starting off too well. We've been up only two hours, and already yelled at the kids twice - once for pulling the other's hair viciously, the other time because they refused to have their breakfast.

    But maybe after getting that beautiful award, the day will turn out better. Thank you, and you must know how much I love visiting your blog.

  14. Wow, Thank you so much for the blog award! I'll post it up in today's blog :-) Struggling with a few Friday deadlines myself - so I can empathise with you!


I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's post. Thanks for dropping by.