Sunday, July 17, 2016

New Videos from Penguin Random House

It’s been awhile since I’ve featured any digital videos from Penguin Random House with you.

Recently Penguin Random House’s digital video department started sending out a weekly release featuring recently produced PRH video clips. These clips feature a wide range of book-inspired topics and author anecdotes, from top-name authors talking about the first thing they ever wrote, to passersby trying to guess what a book is about based only on the cover.

Illustrator Tim Miller (SNAPPSY THE ALLIGATOR DID NOT ASK TO BE IN THIS BOOK) talks about procrastination, and Travis Mills (TOUGH AS THEY COME) discusses misconceptions about being a ‘recalibrated veteran,’ and his experience with surviving quadruple amputee injuries. Photojournalist Lynsey Addario (IT’S WHAT I DO) talks about her work in war zones; comedian Jensen Karp (KANYE WEST OWES ME $300) tells stories from his time writing for World Wrestling Entertainment; Erik Axl Sund (the pen name of the Scandinavian author duo behind THE CROW GIRL) discusses the similarities between writing novels and writing music; and Henrik Timm (NINJA TIMMY) gives writing advice.

Just click on the link at the end of the explanation of each video to be taken to the video.

Illustrator Tim Miller talks procrastination | authorcuts - Tim Miller (illustrator of SNAPPSY THE ALLIGATOR) shares how he procrastinates, and why it's all part of the creative process.

Misconceptions about being a recalibrated veteran | Author Travis Mills - Travis Mills (author of TOUGH AS THEY COME) is one of five soldiers to survive quadruple amputee injuries from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He discusses misconceptions others have about his experience, and why he doesn't dwell in the past.

My experience as a female photographer in war zones | Author Lynsey Addario - Lynsey Addario (author of IT'S WHAT I DO: A PHOTOGRAPHER'S LIFE OF LOVE AND WAR) discusses the advantages of being a female photographer in war zones, and shares a story of when she met Taliban fighters.

What it's like to write for WWE and Vince McMahon | Author Jensen Karp (aka "Hot Karl") - After leaving a potential rap career, Jensen Karp (aka "Hot Karl") had a job writing for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), including sketches for owner Vince McMahon. Read Jensen’s latest, KANYE WEST OWES ME $300.

Erik Axl Sund on writing novels vs. writing music | authorcuts - Erik Axl Sund (the pen name of author duo Jerker Eriksson and Håkan Axlander Sundquist) discusses the differences between writing rock music and writing novels. Check out their latest book, THE CROW GIRL.

Writing advice from author Henrik Tamm | authorcuts - Henrik Tamm (author of NINJA TIMMY) imparts writerly wisdom he tries to live by—Whether it's good or bad, write every day.

Thanks for stopping by today. What do you think about the videos?


  1. Travis Mills has a great attitude.
    You picked some good ones today.

  2. I always like a look 'behind the scenes' at the way different authors and illustrators think. Thanks for sharing, Mason.

  3. Veteran LOL, more like foreign invader and aggressive terrorist

  4. I liked Travis', too. That man gave it his all.

    I still think they should've called it Random Penguin. Just sounds funnier.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's post. Thanks for dropping by.