As part of the tour Anne will be joining us to share her favorite ‘Top Ten Books Turned Into Movies.’ In addition, she is hosting a tour-wide giveaway for a number of awesome prizes. Please see the end of the post for giveaway details.
Book and Author details:
Carrier by Anne Tibbets
(The Line #1)
Published by: Carina Press
Publication date: June 16th 2014
Genres: Dystopia, New Adult
Here’s a brief synopsis of CARRIER:
Twenty-two -year-old Naya has spent nearly half her life as a sex slave in a government institution called The Line. When she’s kicked out after getting pregnant with twins, she’s got no way to earn a living and a horrifying choice to make: find someone to replace her, or have her babies taken in her stead.
A doctor with a history of aiding ex-Line girls, Ric Bennett, wants to help. He runs a team of rebels that can delete Naya’s records and free her forever. But when The Line sniffs out his plan, things get bloody, fast. Naya means more to them than just a chance at fresh faces—her twins are part of the government’s larger plan.
As they hide from government search parties, Ric comes to admire Naya’s quiet strength. And Naya realizes Ric might be a man she can trust. If they make it off the grid, they could build a new life. But first they’ll have to survive the long, vicious reach of The Line.
CARRIER can be purchased at Amazon and Barns and Noble. You can also find out more about it at Goodreads. You can also follow Anne's tour HERE.
Anne joins us now to share her favorite top 10 books that have been turned into movies.
Movie adaptations are a tricky beast. If you stick too closely to the book, the movie can drag and the character arcs can get lost in plot. But, if you deviate from the book too much, you alienate fans of the franchise and risk creating plot holes. I don’t envy any screenwriter who has to adapt a book into a movie. I tried it once and it was hard.
In my personal opinion, a book that sticks closely to the book but veers off course when necessary is the best adaptation. I also must confess I’m not a huge movie-goer, so my list of Top 10 Books Turned into Movies is going to be a little weird, since I don’t typically see every adaptation that’s out there, and I don’t necessarily read every book of every adaptation. So in my personal, completely inadequate opinion, here is my favorite top 10. Feel free to disagree with me.
10) The Shining
- Say what you will about the director, Stanley Kubrick, he was an odd duck. The Shining movie is actually quite different than the book (psst – the book is WAY better!), but the movie is still creepy and disturbing on a whole level all its own. I love the book with an undying passion, but I also appreciate the movie adaptation for being a good flick in its own right. Those two little girls in the hallway still freak me out.
9) The Hunger Games/Catching Fire
- I thought the second movie of the Hunger Games trilogy was actually better than the book. Maybe that’s because I read all three books in a single weekend and didn’t take the time to savor and appreciate it on its own, but I felt more watching the movie, so I’m going to give it a vote.
8) Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone
- I could list every single one of these movies (except maybe #4 – but especially #6) in their ability to take the best part of the book series and visualize it, but in the interest of variety, I’ll list only one. But in my mind, this list is 99% Potter.
7) The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King
- How director Peter Jackson managed to pick apart about 1,000 pages of description (I exaggerate, it may be only 500) and cut to the meat of the story must have taken him AGES and AGES and AGES. Let’s face facts, the Lord of the Rings books are a tough read. Personally, I admired them from afar, but was never able to finish the first book all the way through before drowning in my own boredom. But the movies are a work of art, truly. Drinking Game Tip: Take a shot every time Frodo says Sam’s name.
6) The Reader
- I read the book first, and hated every single character. I watched the movie, and fell in love with Kate Winslet. This book makes the list just because of her performance.
5) The Color Purple
- If you haven’t seen this movie, or read this book, stop what you are doing right now and go get either one of these. It will change you. Do it now, I’ll wait.
4) The Help
- I loved this book. I liked this movie very much. As always, I loved the book more, but the adaptation was well done. Both are worth the time.
3) Auntie Mame
- I bought this book from a church rummage sale when I was in High School and it turned out to be a first edition. This brought me to the movie adaptation of the book starring Rosalind Russell and I love, love, love the movie, and I love, love, love the book.
Both are hysterical and poignant.
2) The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
- In all fairness, I haven’t seen the American versions, they may be good, I wouldn’t know. Personally, I loved the Swedish movies, but then I also love dark, bleak and twisted characters. I actually liked the movies more than the books because I thought the books were too unnecessarily long – but that’s just me. To each his or her own.
1) The Shawshank Redemption
- Best movie of all time. The Stephen King short story it is based upon is good, but the movie is a classic of American cinema. Best adaptation ever. I take back my earlier comment about you being free to disagree with me. I won’t debate this one.
Anne, thanks for sharing your favorite books turned movie. It’s hard to make a book come to life on the screen without major changes.
Now let me share a bit of background about Anne.
Anne Tibbets is an SCBWI award-winning and Bestselling author. After writing for Children’s television, Anne found her way to young/new adult fiction by following what she loves: books, strong female characters, twisted family dynamics, magic, sword fights, quick moving plots, and ferocious and cuddly animals.
Along with CARRIER, Anne is also the author of the young adult fantasy novella, THE BEAST CALL and the young adult contemporary, SHUT UP.
Anne divides her time between writing, her family, and three furry creatures that she secretly believes are plotting her assassination. For more on Anne and her writing, visit her website and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.
Here’s a book trailer for CARRIER to entice your reading taste buds even more.
This awesome tour-wide giveaway is open internationally and ends July 22. The prizes include:
--20 $ Amazon gift card
--3x eBook copies of Carrier
--20x Carrier t-shirts with Auberge pens.
To enter, just click on the Rafflecopter widget below and follow the instructions. The widget may take a few seconds to load, so please be patient.
Thanks so much for stopping by today and visiting with Anne. Do you have a favorite book that has been turned into a movie?
a Rafflecopter giveaway *This post contains affiliate links.
Congratulations, Anne!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen the American version of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo either, but the Swedish one was really good.
The LOTR trilogy wins hands down for me. And I think a thousand pages of description is very accurate.
Mason - Thanks for hosting Anne.
ReplyDeleteAnne - The question of how best to adapt a story for film is so interesting. The two media are different, so different things are featured. Thanks for sharing your top choices of film adaptations, and I wish you success.
Anne, thanks again for visiting and sharing this Top Ten list. The Shinning is one of those where the movie was even that I haven't tried reading the book. Wishing you much success.
ReplyDeleteThe Shining is a great film. The exterior of the hotel was the Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood in Oregon, and I've been there. No hedge maze though.
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Anne!
The Line has an intense setting. Congrats to Anne.
ReplyDeleteI loved Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I haven't seen the other movies.
THE READER is one of the most mindopening movies ever, truly unique and deep. Winslet outstanding as always
ReplyDeleteThe book sounds like it's got lots going on. I like the hidden agenda idea.
ReplyDeleteOne of the best adaptations was Neil Gaimen's Stardust. It does veer off from the book but in ways that worked for the movie. Gaimen had a lot of input and that may be why it worked.
That was a good list. I have enjoyed many of those books and movies.
ReplyDeleteOoh I was wondering if the Swedish The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was any good. I loved the American one - the casting was perfect!!
ReplyDeleteCarrier and the whole Line series sound fascinating. Congratulations to Anne!
ReplyDeleteUsually when I love a movie based on a book, it means I haven't read the book. One exception would be To Kill a Mockingbird. Loved the book and the movie.
VR Barkowski
The book sounds great! I'd agree that the Hunger Games movies ended up being better than the book.
ReplyDeleteI have seen and loved all the movies and read the books, with the exception of "The Help" and "The Hunger Games". I liked the book, "The Shining" way better than the movie.