It’s always a pleasure to welcome a ‘new-to-me’
author here to talk about their latest release and learn how they came to be a writer. Please help me welcome author K. Blue today as she makes a stop on her Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tour for her book, ORDINARY WISDOM.
Ms. Blue was raised in a middle class American family with 3 brothers. Her father worked for a large corporation and her family moved quite a bit during her growing up years. From Indiana to New Jersey, Texas to Georgia, she has lived in many different areas of the country and had many different experiences. These experiences have given her a unique take on life which she enjoys sharing in her book ORDINARY WISDOM.
Here’s Ms. Blue.
Moving around is never easy on a family. I don’t care how much you are used to uprooting your life every time you have to do it is painful. I can tell you that my parents handled it as well as any parent could. Here are a few things they did to help keep our family together…
They did not hide that the move was going to be difficult for them as well. They had friends and loved ones they were leaving just as we were. I can remember during several moves watching my Mom sit on the back porch crying her eyes out. She cried because she was leaving her friends. She cried because she knew that she would be starting over. She cried because there was a lot of work ahead. She cried because she was going to have to be the strong one for her kids and husband.
She never hid that she was grieving, but once she got it all out, she got up, looked me in the eye, and said, “We’re going to be ok, honey.” This taught me that it was natural to feel sadness in leaving something behind, but that there was a time to get up and look to the future.
My parents kept us in the loop with regards to the details of the move. They did not keep secrets or withhold information. We usually sat during dinner and talked over what was going on. If there were changes in where we were moving, or what the dates were going to be, we knew it.
They did not try to shield us, but talked openly about plans. We had all the information about the move that they could give us, and that helped to make us feel a part of the process rather than left out and wondering.
Most importantly, my parents tired to give us choices when they could. Sometimes it was as simple as choosing the color of paint on our new bedroom walls or the color carpet. Others, it was which house we purchased. Once, it was even the state we relocated to. We all got an equal vote.
This went a long way to helping us to feel like we were a part of the family. The move was not something being done to us, it was something we were doing as a family. In a world turned upside down, when it feels like we are losing control, having the ability to make our own choices, to feel in control of something, is so very important. Giving a child a choice, a voice, can sometimes make all the difference in how they feel about a move.
All this combined to help us feel like a team. I never remembered worrying about making friends in the new location because I was bringing my best friends with me. My brothers and my parents are not just people I am related to, but people I like, respect and love to spend time with.
Today we live all over the country, but the foundation that was built with all those moves is still strong. From Texas to Nebraska, Washington State to Georgia we have all built different lives, but we can always count on each other.
Wishing you the very best, K. Blue
K. Blue, thanks for visiting and sharing this information with us. The way your parents went about the moves makes it sounds more like an adventure than the scary process it can be.
For more on K. Blue and her writing, visit her website at
Here’s a brief description of ORDINARY WISDOM:
This collection of short family stories is heartwarming and genuine. Each story is a lesson learned by experiencing everyday life. From childhood to adulthood there are lessons in all that we do and experience. The trick to growing as a person is to recognize their significance and continue to learn.
This collection of short family stories is heartwarming and genuine. Each story is a lesson learned by experiencing everyday life. From childhood to adulthood there are lessons in all that we do and experience. The trick to growing as a person is to recognize their significance and continue to learn.
You may find that you identify with the experiences of this wonderful family. You may even be reminded of times in your past and the lessons you have learned. Be prepared to smile, laugh and maybe even cry a little as you enjoy reading of ordinary wisdom.
Do you have any bits of wisdom you’ve learned over the years you’d like to share with us today? Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a wonderful day.
K. Blue, thanks again for stopping by and sharing this with us. I especially like the title of your book, ORDINARY WISDOM. That says a lot. Wishing you much success with your writing.
ReplyDeleteMason - Thanks for hosting K. Blue.
ReplyDeleteMs. Blue - You have a fascinating perspective and you've learned such valuable things. Thanks for sharing with us.
What a cool book. I'm moving at the beginning of May and so this post hit home for me. I've moved so much that I'm not sure I feel sad anymore. It's just what we do. However, it's been hard to make friends and so I don't. Maybe that's why I love my online friends so much, no matter where we live, they're there.